



Let’s say you are going on a much deserved vacation—perhaps out of the country.  Let’s say you don’t have your own company so you can leave without something falling apart in your absence–others can carry on your job.  You have an opportunity to really “get away from it all.”

But can you?  Is it possible for you to go without checking emails and Facebook for a few weeks?  How tough are you?  What are the chances you’ll be missing something major? Your closest friends and family members can most likely reach you by phone in the event of an emergency. Will you lug around your laptop and/or i pad?  We have become communication addicts.  Addicted to minute-by-minute updates from friends.  “Hey, I’m at the mall.”   We think we have to “like” what they say and leave a comment.  But why?  Do we care that our friend is at the mall?  Can we live without the endless baby and wedding photos? How about the links sent including tips from the pros like how to clean your lampshades: To clean your fabric shades, use a fine brush or a lint remover on your lampshade to remove any accumulated dirt and dust.  Who cares? We are overstimulated with useless information.

When you have a chance to get away, take it and use it to restore your sanity.  Give your brain a break.  Read a book. Learn something new. Give people a chance to miss you. Disconnect and enjoy your vacation.

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