Food, Wellness

The Saga of the Juicing Continues

kale bunch

I did it for health reasons—because I am a vegetable-averse person and hoped to knock off a few unsightly pounds in the process.  I’ve made it well into my 60s without ingesting anything green except for the more-than-occasional M&M.  By the end of week three of daily morning juicing, I’ve gained one pound. Do I feel healthier?  Well no, because we have been out socializing every night and drinking wine. But it’s got to be healthy because my body has never seen these vitamins before.

One catastrophe: The Breville instruction book suggested putting a plastic bag in the container that collects the residue from the juicer. So every morning, we carefully wash the parts and leave them to air dry before returning them to the juicer, complete with new plastic bag for tomorrow’s collection.  Well, today at the bottom of my drink were what appeared to be spinach leaves that did not juice.  On closer examination, when washed off, I saw that they were pieces of plastic. Somehow the plastic bag got sucked into the juicing mechanism and pieces were ground into the drink. I hope I don’t die from that, but if I do, I’ll be healthier than in life.

Today’s juice recipe included the following organic vegetables:

 3 stalks of celery

3 carrots

1 cucumber

Bunch spinach

5 stalks kale

1 beet

2 Granny Smith apples

2 knobs ginger

2 knobs turmeric

1 plastic bag

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